
Navigating Suboxone Detox: An In-Depth Guide by Every1 Center

Suboxone is a combination drug that consists of buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist, meaning it partially binds with opioid receptors and doesn’t fully activate them.

Meanwhile, naloxone counteracts the effects of other opioids as it’s an opioid antagonist. The combination of the two drugs is used to treat OUD (opioid use disorder).

How Long Suboxone Stays in Your System and Treatment for Suboxone Abuse

In other words, Suboxone helps people deal with opioid addiction by alleviating the withdrawal symptoms of opioids such as fentanyl and heroin.

The main problem with Suboxone is that it also has severe withdrawal symptoms, and people find it difficult to stop taking it.

Fortunately, Suboxone detox can help individuals overcome their Suboxone addiction and deal with the harsh withdrawal symptoms.

In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Suboxone detox at Every1 Center.

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Understanding Suboxone Addiction and Withdrawal

Buprenorphine/Naloxone, also known as Suboxone, is a prescription medication indicated for the treatment of opioid dependence.

As a partial agonist, Suboxone partially binds to opioid receptors, which means it doesn’t have the full agonist activity of heroin and other opioids.

Once taken, buprenorphine binds to the same receptors that other opioids bind to, so what’s the difference between Suboxone and other opioids?

Suboxone Vs. Heroin

Let’s take heroin as an example of an abused substance. When a person takes heroin, it fully binds with the opioid receptors, creating a sense of high pleasure and pain suppression.

On the other hand, buprenorphine binds partially with the same receptors, producing the same results but at a significantly slower rate. Suboxone can help opioid abusers with severe withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, body aches, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

Even though people don’t get the intense high of opioids when using Suboxone, some people abuse Suboxone for recreational purposes. Additionally, some people unintentionally get addicted to Suboxone due to long-term use after staying away from other opioids.

Some people also get Suboxone illegally and use it as an alternative to heroin or other abused opioids to get the same high.

Suboxone Withdrawal

While addicts don’t get the same high of opioids from Suboxone, they still experience stressful withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit cold turkey. That’s mainly because Suboxone contains an opioid itself.

So even if you’re taking Suboxone to deal with opioid addiction, you should never stop taking it immediately, as the side effects can be too stressful.

Suboxone has various physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms, which are different for each case.

That means some individuals experience minor withdrawal symptoms while others deal with severe ones. However, there are some common symptoms that most individuals suffer from when trying to quit Suboxone on their own:

  • Sweating
  • Tremors
  • Headache
  • Runny nose
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Cravings
  • Fever and chills
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Restlessness

Suboxone Detox: How to Overcome Suboxone Addiction

Suboxone addiction is similar to opioid addiction because your body gets used to the ingested material to the point that it can’t function without it properly.

The right way to quit Suboxone or other opioids is detox. Suboxone detox is the procedure of withdrawing Suboxone from the body. The process should be done under medical supervision to ensure accurate and safe dose tapering. That way, it’s much easier for addicts to cope with the significant Suboxone withdrawal effects.

The duration and severity of withdrawal symptoms will vary significantly between individuals depending on various factors such as age, weight, genetics, duration of drug use, and more.

Withdrawal symptoms are also dependent on the type of withdrawal. People who abruptly stop taking Suboxone experience severe withdrawal symptoms compared to those who taper the drug gradually.

Suboxone Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline

As previously mentioned, people who quit taking Suboxone or opioids “cold turkey” are likely to experience intense and rapid withdrawal symptoms. On the other hand, in Suboxone detox, patients are gradually tapered off the drug under medical supervision to be able to cope with these side effects.

It’s crucial for patients and families to have a basic understanding of the timeline of the Suboxone detox program. Every case is different; some deal with mild side effects for a few days, while others experience severe side effects for up to several weeks.

In general, most physical withdrawal symptoms last for one month at most. However, the psychological dependence can last for several months.

Let’s see the timeline of the withdrawal symptoms after a Suboxone detox.

24-72 Hours

After one day without Suboxone, patients start to experience general discomfort. Most people experience nausea, vomiting, body aches, and cramps. Some people report anxiety and depression as well.

4-7 Days

After four days of Suboxone withdrawal, most patients experience severe insomnia. Insomnia is usually accompanied by other psychological problems like depression, mood swings, agitation, and anxiety.

Most physical symptoms should subside by the end of the first week, but the psychological effects usually extend beyond that.

2-4 Weeks

This is a critical period because, after one week without Suboxone, withdrawal symptoms are usually at their worst. Patients often experience depression, anxiety, and intense cravings.

During this period, many patients are close to relapse; that’s why medical professionals provide essential precautions to prevent relapse, such as prescribing anti-depressants.

Two Months

After two months of Suboxone withdrawal, relapse prevention becomes crucial. Even though Suboxone should be out of your system now, drug cravings remain a serious issue.

That’s mainly because Suboxone is a long-acting drug, so in some cases, cravings might happen even after years of sobriety.

Suboxone Detox at Every1 Center

Opioid abuse and opioid use disorder are now epidemic in the U.S. Research has shown that three million people in the U.S. and 16 million worldwide experienced an opioid abuse problem at some point. Studies have also shown that over 500,000 American citizens are dependent on heroin.

People from different ethnic groups, age groups, religions, and backgrounds struggle with drug problems and need an opportunity to improve their lives. At Every1 Center, we provide guidance for those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction.

We have a long history of helping people with severe opioid addictions through our programs. Our professional doctors and healthcare providers work with individuals and families to create personalized treatment plans for every case to ensure everyone gets the treatment they need.

Quitting Suboxone can be harsh because of the intense withdrawal symptoms. However, these symptoms aren’t life-threatening. Some people manage to quit Suboxone on their own, but we strongly recommend you seek professional help if you have a problem with Suboxone or other opioids.

Managing Suboxone Addiction Without Medication

When recovering from an opioid addiction, people are often prescribed Suboxone for an extended period. But still, the use of Suboxone is temporary, and the dose should be tapered gradually until there’s no need for the drug.

When people abuse Suboxone, it becomes hard to withdraw from it through tapering. In that case, individuals might need a whole new recovery program that’s totally free from any opioids.

These programs are conducted by doctors and other healthcare professionals who are aware of all the problems that may arise during the withdrawal period. Professionals who conduct this type of program should also acquire the following skills:

  • Experience in substance abuse treatment
  • Able to provide long-term support
  • Create a personalized treatment plan based on your needs and goals
  • Experience in dealing with substance abuse disorders

Components of the Suboxone Detox Program at Every1 Center

At Every1 Center, we have a well-structured approach to helping people with opioid or Suboxone abuse problems.

First, the patient is screened and assessed to determine the severity of addiction, duration of detox, and type of abused materials.

Proper evaluation also allows us to gather information regarding the patient’s personal and medical history to create a personalized treatment plan that matches his needs and objectives.

The next step is medical detoxification. Since Suboxone and opioid addictions are often correlated, there are some options here:

1.   Non-Medicated Detox

If the patient is already dealing with opioid addiction, it would be best to opt for non-medicated detox. That means the patient won’t be taking anything that contains opioids, including Suboxone. While this approach may be harsh, it eliminates the possibility of developing a new addiction.

In our non-medicated detox programs, we provide various therapy techniques and teach coping skills to help patients with withdrawal symptoms. Residents can participate in group sessions, one-on-one meetings, and alternative therapies to get the support they need through this difficult time.

2.   Suboxone Detox

If the patient doesn’t have an opioid addiction, then a Suboxone detox might be beneficial. The goal is to gradually taper the Suboxone dose until it’s no longer needed.

Our detox professionals team can precisely craft a tapering schedule for each patient. They also monitor the patient’s progress and adjust the Suboxone doses accordingly.

The doctors will also prescribe medications that help patients deal with the intense withdrawal symptoms of Suboxone to make the whole process easier.

Our therapists and interventionist are always there for patients who need mental help during their recovery period. We conduct group and individual sessions to connect patients and help them get through these tough times smoothly.

Suboxone detox might take a few days to several months, depending on the dose, duration of abuse, and presence of other abused chemical substances. However, cravings usually occur even months after recovery, and some patients may have a hard time controlling their cravings.

That’s why we refer our patients to long-term treatment programs to help them stay on track and control their cravings.

Residential Treatment

Residential treatment is a viable option for many individuals who need to stay away from daily temptations. This program provides patients with ongoing medical care in a safe and temptation-free environment.

Residents also participate in various therapies, such as group and individual sessions. These tools help patients deeply understand their addiction and triggers and how to deal with them in the future.

Family support, follow-up care, and medication management are also a part of residential treatment. This type of treatment is suitable for addicts who have relapsed before or those who have a hard time controlling their cravings. On the other hand, individuals with severe addictions and co-occurring mental disorders might benefit more from an inpatient program.

Intensive Outpatient Program

Our Intensive Outpatient Program is another comprehensive approach to addressing drug and alcohol addiction and the associated mental issues.

The main difference between outpatient and inpatient programs is that in outpatient programs, patients don’t have to stay within a facility. Instead, patients can go home, work and engage in their normal life activities while still being in contact with our therapists and interventionists.

At Every1 Center, we value aftercare support, and our team of medical professionals works closely with patients to provide long-term treatment relying on the following therapy tools:

By participating in our Intensive Outpatient Programs, patients can acquire the essential skills and relationships to control their drug or alcohol problems while maintaining their normal life.

Why Choose Every1 Center for Suboxone Detox

We have a long history of providing Suboxone detox programs to our patients. Our experts have years of experience in medical detox, substance abuse treatment, and aftercare recovery.

So you can rest assured you’ll receive high-quality treatment and a personalized long-term treatment plan.

Moreover, patients undergo dual diagnosis during their initial assessment to identify any co-occurring mental disorders and treat them accordingly.

We don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach. We value personalized treatment and work closely with patients to craft an individualized treatment plan for each patient to help him get and stay clean.

To Sum Up

While Suboxone doesn’t have a strong effect like opioids, people can still get addicted to it as it eases the intense withdrawal symptoms of quitting opioids.

Since it contains an opioid, Suboxone addiction can easily develop when misused or used long-term.

Some people also get Suboxone illegally and misuse it to get a similar opioid high. Because it has severe withdrawal symptoms, getting off Suboxone can be extremely difficult unless done under medical supervision.

At Every1 Center, we provide Suboxone detox programs to help people get off the drug safely. We also provide long-term treatment plans and after-recovery support to help our clients stay clean for the rest of their lives.

Drug & alcohol detox programs are not directly offered by Every1 Center. However, we do recognize that this type of addiction treatment is often necessary and vital to one’s long-term recovery from substance abuse. If you or a loved one require any services that we do not offer we would be glad to refer you to one of our trusted affiliate providers.





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