
Alcohol Detox Information

The substance that is perfectly legal, socially acceptable, encouraged to consume constantly over and over. Could this substance be dangerous, lethal, and deadly? We’re talking about alcohol and the psychotic effect that alcohol has on its’ abusers. Alcoholism is chronic, progressive, and fatal if left untreated, regardless of your age, gender, race, or socioeconomic status.

If you ask an alcoholic that is physically dependent on the substance to get up in the morning, they will not have words that even begin to explain the pain and suffering of full-blown alcohol addiction withdrawal. If you’re looking for an alcohol detox for New York residents, remember that you can turn your or your loved ones’ life around and save it! Let’s break down the always dangerous symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and detox.

Alcohol use is widely accepted in the US, but even moderate consumption is  associated with many harmful effects

Alcoholism Detox

Common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal for heavy chronic drinkers.

The alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be classified into physical and behavioral. A good alcohol detox for New York residents can address both areas of the detoxification spectrum for a rapid stabilization followed by medically assisted efforts to help minimize the alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Out of the many drug addictions, including dependencies on heroin, crack, and other illicit narcotic powerhouses, alcohol is one of the only substances that can kill you during the detox phase. The other one is benzodiazepines, which form the family of commonly abused pills such as Xanax, Klonopin, and Valium.

The reason for this potentially deadly alcohol withdrawal process lies in the fact that an alcohol detox makes you more prone and susceptible to seizures. This unusual medical phenomenon is craftily explained as, “alcohol withdrawal seizures are pharmacologically induced, the pathophysiologic mechanisms almost certainly are different from those of the seizures that occur in genetic and acquired epilepsies.” (NCBI). The end result is a complete alcohol withdrawal that could turn fatal if it is not handled by the proper detox facility.

Behavioral Alcohol Withdrawal

While drug and alcohol withdrawal is a mind and body experience, at different points, one aspect overpowers the other. The behavioral withdrawal symptoms can include agitation, restlessness, irritability, confusion, hallucinations, and anxiety. An alcoholics’ stress levels will often go through the roof, further complicating the situation. Without alcohol in his/her system, the alcoholic will become extremely anxious, unable to think clearly or focus. Alcohol withdrawal makes it almost impossible to continue daily responsibilities such as work, school, and family life.

Physical Alcohol Withdrawal

We’ve seen countless souls go through the horrors of alcohol withdrawal and would not wish this experience on our worst enemy. Seizures are classified as a physical withdrawal symptom, creating the commonly called delirium tremens – a mix of behavioral and physical symptoms that include confusion, rapid heart rate, hallucinations, sweating, irregular heartbeat, severe tremors, and fever. Recovering alcoholics while still in detox also shake quite often and struggle with gastrointestinal issues (nausea/vomiting).

The Good News…

What could possibly be a positive coming out of all this horror?

There is light at the end of even the darkest of storms, and we are here to help you break through the clouds and find the rays of sunshine needed to fill your life. The happiness from sobriety that can brighten up a recovering alcoholics’ life is indescribable, you have to truly live it to believe it. Are you ready to overcome your alcoholism and detox safely under the care of medical professionals?

At Every1 Center, we can help you understand what to expect from an alcohol detox program.

To learn more about alcohol detox, give us a call at (631) 887-3234 or email us directly at and our recovery specialists will be glad to assist you. Make an informed decision today on the alcohol detox for New York residents!

Drug & alcohol detox programs are not directly offered by Every1 Center. However, we do recognize that this type of addiction treatment is often necessary and vital to one’s long-term recovery from substance abuse. If you or a loved one require any services that we do not offer we would be glad to refer you to one of our trusted affiliate providers.





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